Text File | 1992-08-24 | 1020 b | 20 lines | [ttro/ttxt]
Hierarchy system extension for System 7
Jeremy Roussak
Hierarchy is a terribly simple system extension which makes navigating around folders in the system 7 finder a little simpler. Under the system 7 Finder, if you hold down the command key as you click on the title of a folder window, a pop-up menu appears containing the folder's parents. Hierarchy does away with the need to hold down the command key. If you click on the title itself, the menu appears: if you click elsewhere in the title bar, you can drag the window around the screen, as usual.
Hierarchy was written one dull, wet Sunday evening. I don't think it has any bugs or conflicts, but I'd appreciate being told about them if I'm wrong.
Hierarchy is free, but is not public domain: I retain all rights to it. If you like it and let me know that you like it, it'll make me feel happy. Why not send me a postcard?